Bihar Board

10 Tips to Help You Ace Your Class 12 Physics Board Exam

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For a lot of people, the Class 12 Physics board test can be a terrifying idea. However, with the appropriate advice for scoring well in your Physics examination, you can significantly reduce your exam anxiety. With only a few days until the class 12 board exams begin, students will be in need of some helpful hints to help them prepare. While preparing for your Class 12 Physics paper may appear difficult at first, the following ideas can help you power through your preparation and earn excellent marks. Score well in your Physics board test if you grasp the formulas and understand the fundamental ideas.

1 Refer to the Physics blueprint

Read it thoroughly because it will provide you with detailed information on the weightage of marks each chapter will receive and, as a result, how much time should be given to each chapter.

2 Divide and conquer the syllabus

Start with one unit every day for a maximum of three hours to prepare for the  Class 12 Physics board exam. Take rests in between since you cannot possibly be entirely focused if you study for an extended period of time without a break.

3 Choose issues with the most weightage.

Spend enough time comprehending the important concepts and making sure you have a thorough comprehension before moving on to other areas.

4 Highlight the main elements based on the chapter’s syllabus.

While studying for your Class 12 Physics board exam, set aside a highlighter of a specific color to record the essential topics of that chapter. Choose a different highlighter for the following chapter. To improve your recall power in the exam room, you only need to remember which highlighter you used for which chapter.

5 Always keep a notebook with you for on-the-go editing.

In your notebook, write down the laws, principles, and significant formulae of fundamental concepts with derivations.

Even if you’re on the road and only have a few minutes to spend, you may use that time effectively by easily consulting your notebook for a short revision.

6 Recognize the reasoning behind derivations

Understand how one step in a derivation leads to the next. The more instances you read, the more you will understand. Practice the derivations three or four times to ensure that you are as quick as possible in the exam hall.

7 Complete practice question papers

Because practice makes perfect, make sure you solve example question papers from the last five years.

Solving sample question papers helps you learn the pattern of how questions are set and prepares you to write your paper better.

8 Pay close attention to the numerical components.

If you try to skip the numerical portion of a physics exam, you will fail. Set aside some time to learn the numerical aspects if you fear them.

9 Add to your responses

Wherever possible, it is beneficial to support your responses with photographic or graphical illustrations. This makes a positive impression on the examiner.

10 Review your class notes

Your class notes should be taken seriously, so give yourself enough time to go through them.


If your Class 12 Physics board exam subject instructor has requested you to highlight specific areas in each chapter because he/she believes they are crucial, then do so.


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